Canada is experiencing a new liberal love in, with the 2015 appointment of Justin Trudeau as prime minister. Many around the world look on in awe as this super cool, forward thinking Liberal seeks to create positive environmental and social change. BC is a microcosm of this cool sea change and has been for years. Because when you have pretty much everything, you want to protect it – The Rocky Mountains, temperate rainforest, superb wildlife, the Coast Mountains and indeed a Pacific coast.
It's hardly surprising that pacific salmon swim all the way upstream to spawn in British Columbian rivers. Who wouldn't want their young to be born with this place as their first view?
And with the Pacific come mild temperatures. And in those warm waves come whales. And then salmon. And where there are salmon, there are bears. And, as if that isn’t enough, there’s a nano-cosm off the microcosm: Vancouver Island, which isn’t nano at all, of course, because you could lose yourself in mountains and forests here for a week it is so big. Which is why, all in all, we think BC is not just British Columbia. It is Bl**dy Cool.
See our British Columbia travel guide for more details.