1 independent reviews for Kayak with orcas vacation in Canada

Reviews for Kayak with orcas vacation in Canada


review 12 Sep 2022

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

Seeing killer whales from my kayak

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Find a Tourguide/company that will actually allow time to be in your kayak and watch the whales from your kayak instead of from camp

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

It helped the locals yes as the Tourguide’s where local. Kayaking is not bad for the environment and the way the camps where set up is also not destroying much habitat

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

I have very mixed feelings, the food was amazing, two of the three guides were amazing, however the time spent in the kayaks was not enough and the opportunities to see wildlife from your kayak was well below what I expected.

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