Budapest to Prague vacation

US $1480 excluding flights
7 Days
Small group
More info
Prices based on 2 adults sharing.
Single supplement available.
Mimimum age 16.
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Description of Budapest to Prague vacation


Price information

US $1480 excluding flights
Prices based on 2 adults sharing.
Single supplement available.
Mimimum age 16.
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Travel guides

Europe tour
The classic European tour is one that encourages you be a traveler, not a tourist. See the famous landmarks by all means, but often the best way to d...
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Vacation information

Dietary requirements:
We can cater for vegetarian and vegan diets.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


Since the focus of this trip is cycling, this is the main mode of transport used and it doesn't use any carbon. A support van is provided to travel only the distance which you will cycle in order to minimise carbon emissions, reducing our footprint to the lowest possible impact.

Our local leaders actively encourage travelers to use the local tap water and not purchase single-use plastic water bottles. This means you follow a zero waste travel pattern where possible and protect the environment.

As a travel company we are continually looking for ways to improve and are proud to be ‘Responsible in everything we do’. Education is key, and so all staff, Tour Leaders and partnering suppliers are trained in responsible and sustainable tourism. At our Head Office, we continually strive towards a sustainable and planet-friendly working environment, including having solar panels installed and a company commitment to reducing our plastic usage.


From the moment of arrival, you are taught basic Polish which is then used to interact and converse with locals. This is beneficial when you buy items from a local market, visit some of the historical sights we stop at along the way and for ordering at restaurants, it also helps create more of a bond with the communities we visit.

Visiting small, independent-owned restaurants are an integral part of our itinerary, and this means money goes into the local economy and community. In addition, this provides an authentic Polish meal experience, which includes fish grills along the sea coast.

As a company we have valuable and longstanding partnerships with UK charities Toilet Twinning and Send a Cow, plus many smaller initiatives and projects around the world. We’re members of UK travel industry bodies Tourism Concern and AITO because we believe it’s important to share our knowledge and experience, as well as learn from other operators.

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